Quarantine Home Workout
Ryan Powers
Entrepreneur, Fitness Enthusiast, Strength Coach
Quarantine Home Workout
Well, here we are. Stuck in a quarantine and settling into our new temporary norm. With no defined end in site we must make the best of the resources and space we have. For many, this means finding our new routine. We are here to help go from basic to advanced in a weekly workout routine that is designed to help anyone with limited access to gym equipment and space. Our top 3 goals of this series:
- Tried-and-true movements that work! (No non-sense)
- Functional alternatives to traditional weight-training routines
- Little to no equipment required
To start the first week out right with a quarantine home workout, we are going to start with a very classic "Round 1" split that worked for some of the greats.
Round 1
Simple, basic, yet effective training split for a strong base.
Round 2
Adding a bit more intermediate movements for a challenging split..
Round 3
Advanced level for the challengers that are not faint of heart.
Week 1
We are gonna start you off with the basics. For those of you who have 10+ years in the gym. This is for you too. Don't think you are too good for some of the most traditional exercises.
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
25 Push Ups (Varying widths)
10 Pull Ups
15 Lying Chest Flys (Dumbbell, Kettle, or even a water jug)
25 Dumbbell Rows (Dumbbell, Kettle, or even a water jug)
Rest 2 minutes
The Push Up
Performing a true push up is harder than it looks. We have seen a ton of push up challenges floating the internet and it looks like a cringe worthy "bow" at best. Starting with you hands shoulder with apart and comfortable lower your entire body just a few inches from the ground and back up again. Back strait, butt down.

Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5x)
25 Bodyweight Squats (Varying Stances)
15 Walking Lunges Step forward
15 Lying Glute Bridges
Rest 2 minutes
The Squat
So performing the ideal squat is met with a few different schools of thought. What we can all agree is to start the movement with your hips kicking back to drop below your knees (90 degrees) and follow the same path back up. Where ever your hips, knees, and feet start should be facing the same throughout the entire movement.

Day 3: Cardio (HIIT)
Repeat for 15 min
10 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Choose one of the following methods
- Sprinting
- Stair/Hill Climbs
- Cycling

Day 4: Arms
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5x)
30 Close-Grip Pushups
30 Bicep Curls Use filled water jugs!
20 Seated Dips
20 Bent Over Tricep Extensions
Rest 2 minutes
The Bicep Curl
Performing a proper curl is very easy and a perfect quarantine home workout. We like to over complicate it. Standing strait up with chest out and knees slightly bent - bring the dumbbell or water jug to your shoulder region and back down to your thy region. Do not over straiten your arms or bring the weight up "too high". You may also alternate (left, right, left, right).

Day 5: Shoulders/Abs/Core
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5x)
15 Side Laterals (Dumbbell, Kettle, or Water Jugs)
15 Front Raises (Dumbbell, Kettle, or Water Jugs)
30 Seconds Plank (Circuit )
30 Crunches
10 Hand Stand Push-ups no better time to practice!
Rest 2 minutes
The Plank
The plank is such a basic static exercise that has multiple variations to build on. We want you to pick 5 different variations to perform your plank circuit. (IE. Alternating Knee-to-elbow touches, plank twists, leg lifts, cross-body reach through, side plank, mountain climbers, and more.
Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Repeat up to 45 Min
Steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Walking/Jogging
- Trail Running
- Roller Blading

Week 2
Week two we are continuing some very basic traditional movements using minimal equipment. Using only dumbbells, kettle, or water jugs (if weight not mentioned). We are trying our best to find spaces and angles that most households have and nicknaming movements that should be easily recognizable. For any questions, feel free to Email Us Here .
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
25 Decline Push Ups (Feet Up)
15 Inverted (Body Weight) Rows (Use Table/Counter)
20 Floor "Slouch" Press (Back Against Couch)
25 Bent Over Double Delt/Trap Raises
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
Banded Tricep Extensions (Wrap Band Around Pole/Pipe/Branch)
Bicep Hammer Curls
Rest 2 minutes
Inverted Row
This is very much a humbling movement as it's raw function is a mirrored reflection of a push up. It's almost hard to screw this exercise up. Overhand or underhand, as well as elbows in or out are going to call for different muscle recruitment.

Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Strait Leg Deadlifts (Heavy, Books In Laundry Basket)
15 (ea) Single Leg Wall Bridges
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 (ea) Single Leg Lunges (Alt Foot On Chair)
Banded Side Walking Squats (30-50 Feet)
Rest 2 minutes
Wall Bridge
Just like it sounds you can do two feet or single. Keep you palms flat on the floor and drive your hips up to the sky driving threw your heel. If you have a muscled up significant other, make sure you film them as this will be a moment you want to capture =)

Day 3: Cardio (HIIT)
Repeat for 15 min
15 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Choose one of the following methods
- Jump Rope
- Frog Jumps
- Wind Sprints

Day 4: Arms
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Dips (Use Two Chair Backs, Bands For Assistance)
30 Banded Bicep Curls
20 Lying Weighted Tricep Extensions
Rest 2 minutes
The Dip
Our team would rate this one of the hardest movements to perform with no equipment, but where there is a will there is a way! If you have two sturdy chairs, two tall bar-height stools, a table and stool, a bar and a stool, or even two regular chairs while leaning forward. Don't be afraid to get some human counter weight to help =) Keep your grip comfortable and make sure your nice and warm. Arms should be 90 degrees before coming up right before lock out.

Day 5: Shoulders/Abs/Core
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
10 Hand Stand Push Ups
15 Rear Delt Laterals Raises
15 Upright Weighted Row
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 (ea) Leg Lying Leg Lifts
30 Russian Twists
20 (ea) Oblique Crunch
30 Crunches
Rest 2 minutes
Upright Row
Another simple movement that can be done with little to nothing. Stand shoulder width apart. Bring your weight or band of choice up with your elbows flared. The movement starts at mid-thigh and ends at your chin. Keep them clean and allow your muscles start and stop your moment. No hitches or momentum here.

Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Repeat up to 45 Min
Steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Trail Bike Riding / Hiking
- Racket Sports (Tennis, Pickleball, etc)
- Walking/Jogging

Week 3
Week three we are specializing in some resistance style movements that are still that stay very close to the fundamental exercises. A smart low cost investment would be some exercise bands found here. If these aren't in the cards, all of these exercises can be replaced with what you have at home (IE Dumbbell, Kettle, Water Jugs, Sand bags, books, rocks, etc). For any questions, feel free to Email Us Here.
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
10 Pull Ups (Alt Grips / Complete 50 Total)
20 Decline Push Ups (Feet Up)
20 Banded Rows
25 Standing Banded Fly/Press
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Seated Banded Over Head Press
25 Bent Over Banded Tricep Extensions
20 Banded Bicep Curls
Rest 2 minutes
Banded Chest Press
This is a great supplemental movement for some of the stronger folks who are great at "muscling" through movements, but struggle to focus on isolation and individual muscle focus. Consider turning your wrists and perform a "Chest Fly" - its as simple as giving a hug! (When we use to be able to do that.)

Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Single Leg Dead-lifts (Bands or Weights)
15 (ea) Step Ups
12 Box Jumps
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 (ea) Reverse Walking Lunges
Reverse Double Leg Raises (Facing Down)
Rest 2 minutes
Reverse Leg Raises
Finding a sturdy table, counter, ledge, or any sort of podium let your legs dangle and raise them while feeling your hamstrings and glutes tighten. It may feel and look a little awkward, but guess what? You're at home! Only your significant other, kids, and dog can see you struggle.

Day 3: Cardio (HIIT)
Repeat up to 15 Min
High Intensity 15 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Choose one of the following methods
- Hill Sprints
- Box Jumps
- Cardio Boxing (2 min ON, 30 sec OFF)

Day 4: Arms
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Close Grip Push ups
30 Double Bicep Curls (Heavy Rock or Barbell)
20 Standing Overhead Tricep Extensions
15 Seated "Preacher Curl" (Bands)
Rest 2 minutes
Seated "Preacher" Curl
Without having access to a gym one must be creative when diversifying the type of movements capable with little to no equipment. Thus the seated over-the-knee "preacher" curl was invented. Giving a nod to its original function the idea here is to isolate those biceps by moving your elbows forward and restricting movement.

Day 5: Shoulders/Abs/Core
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
10 (ea) Seated Single Arm Overhead Press (Dumbbell, Rock, Water Jug)
15 Standing Reverse Fly (Using Band)
15 Leaning Side Lateral Raises (Using Band)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 (ea) Leg Lying Leg Lifts
30 Russian Twists
20 (ea) Oblique Crunch
30 Crunches
Rest 2 minutes
Reverse Fly
We told you that you can do a lot with bands, didn't we!? This one is simple, but body position plays a larger role than normal here. You want your back strait, butt out, and to be pulling behind you as to activate the rear delts. Focus on the mind to muscle connection and you will notice how small of a muscle the rear delt really is. They tire out quickly. If you have a lot of fatigue in your side, top, or front shoulders on this exercise. You are doing it wrong.

Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Repeat up to 45 Min
Steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Plank Circuit
- Step Aerobics
- Cardio Kickboxing

Week 4
For Week 4, we are going to switch the split up a bit. We are also going to introduce some more banded movements. As with the past weeks we assume you can access something with substantial weights in replacement or alternate exercises (IE Dumbbells, Rocks, Water Jugs, Books, etc) For any questions, feel free to Email Us Here .
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
25 Push Ups (Banded)
30 Chest Flys (Banded)
Pull-Ups (50 Total)
15 Inverted (Body Weight) Rows (Use Table/Counter)
Hanging Leg Raises (50 Total)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Lying Tricep Extensions (Dumbbells/Rock)
15 Standing Side Band Curls
Rest 2 minutes
Overhead Banded Bicep Curl
It's a long name, but takes even longer to master correctly. Performed with one-armed or both, focus on keeping your elbows and shoulders fixed. Remove all other antagonistic muscles out of this movement. You are simply bringing the tension towards your ears and back to near full arm extension. TIP: Keep constant tension on the band = tension on your biceps.

Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Strait Leg Deadlifts (Heavy Bands)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Reverse Walking Lunges
15 Single Leg Glute Bridges
Rest 2 minutes
The Dead Lift
Most coaches make dead lifts over complicated and end up making the must simple of movements a daunting process. It's very simple. Back strait, chest out, arms locked, look forward, legs bent to grip the bar/band drive through the legs keeping the weight through your shins. Take your time in the lift and don't break form.
Day 3: Cardio (HIIT)
Repeat up to 15 Min
High intensity 15 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Choose one of the following methods
- Jumping Jacks
- Sandbag Circuit
- Sled Sprints

Day 4: Arms / Delts / Abs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Close-Grip Pushups
20 Seated Dips
20 Bicep Curls
Rest 75 Seconds
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Side Laterals (Banded)
15 Front Raises (Banded)
10 Hand Stand Push-Ups (Getting Good Yet?)
Rest 75 Seconds
Hand Stand Pushups
Have you been avoiding this movement? We understand that some exercises seems a bit out of your reach or doesn't match your body-type or athletic level. We don't want you to put yourself in way of injury, but we DO want you to pursue and accept knew challenges. This entire series is about pushing the limits of what you "normally do" in a traditional gym setting.

Day 5: Full Body Marathon
Round 1 (Repeat up to 3X)
20 Lying Chest Flys
15 Inverted Rows
20 Standing Long Jumps
20 Single Leg Calf Raises
20 Front Delt Raises
20 Overhead Tricep Extensions (Banded)
Rest 2.5 minutes
Calf Raises
Using a step up, stair, or rock use your body's weight to stand on just the "ball" of your foot and bring your heel up and down at full length. Add more resistance of your choice (dumbbells, water jugs, rocks, bands etc).

Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Repeat up to 45 min
Steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Road Bike
- Pilates
- Elliptical

Week 5
Week five we are continuing some very basic traditional movements using minimal equipment. Using only dumbbells, kettle, or water jugs (if weight not mentioned). We are trying our best to find spaces and angles that most households have and nicknaming movements that should be easily recognizable. For any questions, feel free to Email Us Here .
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
25 Decline Push Ups (Feet Up)
30 Standing Chest Flys (Banded)
L-Seat Pullups (Counter, Table, Dip Bar)
25 Bent Over Rows (Banded)
Hanging Leg Raises (50 Total)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
Standing Overhead Tricep Extensions (Banded)
Single Arm Bicep Curls (Banded)
Rest 2 minutes
Chest Fly & Rows
As previously mentioned, bands are very versatile. See our resident coach and author, Stephen Powers, performing these two movements. Notice the control of tension of the band for both contraction and extension.
Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Squats (Banded)
15 Walking Lunges Step forward
15 Kickbacks (Banded)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Lying Hamstring Curls (Banded)
Banded Side Walking Squats (30-50 Feet)
Rest 2 minutes
There are a couple variations of this exercise. You can also hold the band in your hands to create tension needed. Try the standing version of this with the band around a small tree.

Day 3: Cardio (HIIT)
Repeat for 15 min
15 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Repeat for 15 minutes
Choose one of the following methods
- Kettle bell Cardio
- Rowing
- Battle Ropes

Day 4: Arms / Delts / Abs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Dips (Use Two Chair Backs, Bands For Assistance)
15 L-Seat Chin Ups (Emphasis on biceps)
20 Sit ups
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Seated Rear Delt Fly (Weighted)
15 Leaning Side Lateral Raises
Downhill Bear Crawls (Enjoy =) )
Rest 2 minutes
Lateral Raises
Using a weight of your choice grab a tree and lean to the side you are raising and perform one arm at a time. A variation could also include leaning against the tree and raising opposite side as if you are pouring a glass of milk.

Day 5: Full Body Marathon
Round 1 (Repeat up to 3X)
20 Push ups (Tucked Arms)
10 Pull ups
20 Jump Squats
20 Leg Raises
Walking Hand Stands (With Partner)
20 Single Calf Raises
15 Hammer Curls (Banded)
15 Bent over Tricep Extensions (Banded)
Rest 3 minutes
Walking Hand Stand
Understandably this is a bit of an acrobatic move and will more than likely need a partner to hold the ankles, but if you give it a try and get 10+ steps you will know why we suggested it.

Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Repeat up to 45 min
Steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Full Court Basketball
- Racketball
- Dance It Out!

Week 6
Going into Week six, many of you may have invested in some sort of home gym equipment. Maybe a barbell set, power rack, or even some dumbbells. We want this Quarantine Home Workout Series to be versatile enough so that any new equipment you can be worked in. (Tip: Don't spend more than $1.20 a lb on weights) They're going for a premium right now and the price bubble will bust. Check out this home gym build I just did at my house! Mind taking a quick survey HERE?
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
25 Neutral Grip Push Ups (Coffee Table, Weight Bench, Chair)
20 Lying Chest Flys (Banded)
20 Bent Over Rows (Weighted)
20 Mountain Climbers
Rest 90 Seconds
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
Body Weight Overhead Tricep Extensions (Barbell, Park Bench, Straps)
Over Knee (Single Arm) Bicep Curls (Dumbbell, Rock, Water Jug)
Rest 75 Seconds
Overhead Tricep Extensions
Some of these movements take a little ingenuity and can feel a bit awkward at first. Start by getting comfortable and warm. Adjust grip, height, and stance. The muscle will undergo a workload, just trust the process and take your time.

Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 4X)
10 Deadlifts (Heavy as you can find)
15 (ea) Lower Squat Pulses
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 4X)
15 Reverse Double Leg Raises
Walking Lunges (30-50 Feet)
Rest 90 Seconds
Squat Pulses
It's my blog, and I can recommend if I want to! This is technically not an exercise in the classical sense. It doesn't represent a full range of motion and that can sometimes be frowned upon. That being said, if you try doing this going at least 90 degrees or lower - pulsing up and down about halfway, with a good tempo (faster than a normal squat) and you will know why I've suggested this. (Tip: Change your stance up each set.)

Day 3: Cardio
Round 1 (Repeat for 15 min)
15 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Choose one of the following methods
- Jump Rope
- Rowing
- Sport Grappling

Day 4: Arms/Delts/Abs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Overhead Tricep Press (Facedown Bodyweight)
20 Seated Dips (Bodyweight)
10 Bicep Curls (Banded or Weighted)
10 Hammer Curls (Weighted)
Rest 90 Seconds
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
10 Overhead Press (Bands)
15 Side Laterals
15 Rear Delt Lateral Raises
Hanging Leg Raises
Rest 90 Seconds
Overhead Tricep Press
This can be performed as a press or extension. Decide on your own comfort level. The entire idea is to engage those triceps and put them to work. Be careful to not beat up your elbows too much and get warm first!

Day 5: Full Body Marathon
Round 1 (Repeat up to 3X)
20 Pushups
20 Pullups
20 Standing Long Jumps
20 Chest Flys
20 Burpes
20 (ea) Bicycle Crunches
30 (sec) Planks
Rest 3 minutes
Bicycle Crunches
Lift, Twist, Kick, Sweat. It's one of those movements you can't mess up and is older than time. Don't let your shoulders or heels touch the ground until your done. Keep your hands up behind your head or to the side so that you are forced to lift your shoulder blades off the ground to get to your knee.

Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
30-45 Minutes of steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Jogging
- Soccer
- Trail Walking

Week 7
For Week 7, we have a little bonus content for our loyal following! We are giving our top Best Home Gym Equipment recommendations & expected pricing. We have done hours of research, reading reviews, comparing competitive products and consulted with our panel of experts to step through each home scenario and what is going to give you the best bang for your buck. Check out the top pics from our team at Uprise Nutrition.
For any questions, feel free to Email Us Here .
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Dive Bomber Pushups (Let's Step It Up!)
20 Chest Flys (Weighted)
15 L-Seat Pull Ups
15 Close Grip Inverted Rows (Elbows Tucked)
20 Single Low Rows (Banded, Elbows Flared)
Rest 90 Seconds
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
Close Grip Pendulum Push Ups (On Knees)
Seated Alternating Curls (Weighted)
Rest 75 Seconds
Dive Bomber Push Up
This is by far one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do at home. It looks hard, but that's because it is. For a reference point, you will not be able to perform as many as a normal push up.

Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Box Jumps
Rest 75 seconds
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
Bent Over Kickbacks (Alternating)
Single-Leg Dead lifts (Weighted)
Single-Leg Lunges (Over Chair, Weighted)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 3 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 (ea) Single Leg Lunges (Alt Foot On Chair)
15 (ea) Single Leg Glute Bridges
Rest 2 minutes
Fixed Single
Leg Lunges
Lot's of different names for this one, but essentially you are in a fixed position keeping tension at all times on the muscles at work (prominently your quadriceps) while your other leg stays tethered to a bench or chair. Make sure you sit back and allow your non working leg to fold into itself with a neutral upright posture.

Day 3: Cardio
Round 1 (Repeat for 15 min)
15 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Choose one of the following methods
- Kettlebell Training
- Weighted Sprints
- Cardio Boxing

Day 4: Arms
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Close Grip Push Ups
15 Lying Overhead Tricep Extensions (Banded)
20 Bodyweight Curls (Straps or bar)
15 Banded Hammer Curls
Rest 2 minutes
Body Weight Curls
So this movement itself isn't hard, but sometimes isn't a popular pick as you really need a fixed bar or set of training straps (IE TRX) to really get the benefit of this one. It is worth the effort if you can find the right set up and angle.

Day 5: Shoulders/Abs/Core
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Overhead Press (Banded)
15 Standing Rear Delt Cross Over (Banded)
15 Side Lateral Raises (Banded)
30 (feet) of Wheelbarrow Walks
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Sit Ups
15 Standing Oblique Crunch
20 Lying Leg Lifts
45 Second Plank (Circuit)
20 Russian Twists
Rest 2 minutes
Standing Oblique Crunch
"I'm a little tea cup, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout." I mean 5 year olds can do it while singing - I am thinking you got this movement in the bag. This is a forgotten motion that makes are list of best home dumbbell workouts. If you don't have a dumbbell, per usual a water jug will work well.

Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Round 1 (Repeat up to 45 Min)
Steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Running
- Hiking
- Roller Bladding

Week 8
Going into Week 8 we have learned a lot about our customers and ourselves. Although this might be our final installment for this article, we feel like we have gained a ton from it. I've thoroughly enjoyed this process and it has put a certain calming cadence to our weekly quarantine workloads. It began as an experiment and ends as an experience - thank you for sticking with us. We hope that we can earn your support, trust, and business in the future. As always, feel free to Email Us Here with any comments, questions, or ways to get involved.
Day 1: Push & Pull
Round 1 (Repeat up to 4X)
20 Incline Press (Weighted)
15 Standing Fly (Banded)
15 Forward Leaning Dips
15 Inverted (Body Weight) Rows (Use Table/Counter)
12 Close Grip Pull Ups
20 Seated Single Arm Rows (Banded)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 4X)
Lying Tricep Extension (Banded)
Standing Hammer Curls (Banded)
Rest 2 minutes
Tricep Extension
The idea here is to restrict any unwanted movement and isolate your triceps. If you are more comfortable setting them on the floor as shown - great. Other's prefer the "throw in" style if you ever played soccer. Either way keep your elbows fixed and pointed in the same direction.

Day 2: Legs
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Free Squats (Weighted or Banded)
Walking Lunges
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 (ea) Single Leg Kick Backs (Banded)
Calf Raises (Banded)
Rest 2 minutes
Banded Squat
Nothing ground breaking here, just trying to add some resistance to your free squats. If you have access to a barbell and squat rack then I highly recommend getting some extra weight back onto those leg muscles.

Day 3: Cardio
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 second "sprint", 30 second "jog"
Repeat for 15 minutes
Choose one of the following methods
- Jump Rope
- Burpees
- Run Jumps (aka Jump Training)

Day 4: Arms
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 Standing Tricep Press Downs (Banded)
15 Seated Over Knee Bicep Curl (Weighted)
20 Seated Dips (Behind The Back)
20 Standing Bicep Curls (Banded, Behind The Back)
Rest 2 minutes
Behind The Back Curl
The idea of this movement is to keep tension on the bicep at all times. If using bands, be sure to walk out far enough to where you are feeling a pull at the bottom of the movement. Try to not lock out and the top of the curl should really be right at 90 degrees.

Day 5: Shoulders/Abs/Core
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
15 Hand Stand Push Ups
15 Seated Rear Delt Laterals Raises (Banded)
15 (ea) Side Lateral Raises (Weighted)
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 (Repeat up to 5X)
20 (ea) Leg Lying Leg Lifts
30 Russian Twists
20 (ea) Oblique Crunch
30 Crunches
Rest 2 minutes
Russian Twists
Using a weight of your choice, you want to keep your legs slightly bent and off the ground. While at the top of a sit-up movement, you will begin twisting the weight side-to-side while maintaining tension and balance. When keeping count a back and forth motion counts as one rep.

Day 6: Cardio (Steady State)
Round 1 (Repeat up to 5X)
30-45 Minutes of steady (low intensity) activity
Choose one of the following methods
- Biking
- Squash or Racket Ball
- Yoga

Nutrition Above All
Don't forget that proper nutrition, sleep, and stress management will wildly help your training. This process is cyclical as your training will help the other 3. Keep steady routine, your mind light, and enjoy your quarantine home workout time.