Healthy Diet

Ryan Powers
Entrepreneur, Fitness Enthusiast, Strength Coach
Lean Beef Recipe
Many of our customers are looking for new ways to get a good quality source of protein from their meals without blowing the bank or having to sacrifice their taste buds. Cooking low-n-slow with a few easy tricks can help accomplish this. Don't have time? it takes less than a minute and one working thumb. I believe in you.
How-to-recipe below:
Before You Begin. A large crock pot and time.
London Broil (3 lbs)
2 Cans of Tomato's (undrained)
Italian Seasoning
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Salt & Pepper
Notes. Allow for 6 hours of cook time on high or low depending on heat level. The meat will be tender and easily able to pull apart. Remember salt
Ways to make it a meal...
If you want to keep things simple its best to put your freshly pulled beef over a cup of brown rice with some sautéed or veggies. Fresh veggies will be less watered down and certainly taste better.
Make it easy to reuse the left overs for future meals. If you are like me, making more than enough protein is sort of the name of the game. That being said its always nice to do another meal out of your efforts so consider putting these on three small corn tortillas with diced onions and basil. You could even to a our chili recipe!